
Mondgeschichten für Kinder und Astronauten haben bei uns einen speziellen Platz !
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Begeisterung für die Raumfahrt

Das Open Moon Projekt bietet die besten Möglichkeiten, die Begeisterung für den Weltraum und die Raumschifffahrt zu wecken, verbreiten und zu verbreitern. 40 Jahre nach der ersten Mondlandung wird die Commoonity zeigen, dass sie jetzt in der Lage ist, es mit der staatlich finanzierten Raumfahrt aufzunehmen.

Hiermit sollte sich jeder bekanntmachen, der auf den Mond will:

„Moonshot for Dummies“


Unser Luft- und Raumfahrtingenieur Carsten Scharfenberg hat eine kurze Einführung zur Reise zum Mond verfasst. Er erklärt uns Orbits, Fluchtgeschwindigkeiten und wie wir sie erreichen können: Worauf wir uns eigentlich einlassen und welche Herausforderungen wir bewältigen müssen.

Wie baut man eigentlich eine Commoonity auf, die es wagt zum Mond zu fliegen?

„Praxisbericht über die Initiierung und den Aufbau eines Open Innovation Projektes“

Einige Hinweise gibt Open Moon Business Innovation Expertin Dr. Ricarda Schallnus: Sie hat die Formierung der Open Moon Commoonity dokumentiert: „Praxisbericht über die Initiierung und den Aufbau eines Open Innovation Projektes“

Wir wollen allen deutlich machen, wie weit wir uns hinaus wagen können, wenn wir nur wüssten, was jetzt schon alles möglich ist. Um dies allen immer wieder mal vor Augen und Ohren zu führen, veranstalten wir in unregelmäßigen Abständen den „Open Moon Science Day“. Professoren und Projektinitiatoren laden wir ein, uns an ihrem Wissen- und Erfahrungssschatz Teil haben zu lassen:

Full Open Moon Science Day


On Sunday, Novembre 29th, we host the 2nd Full Open Moon Science Day onbord crashed space station c-base.

This time we focus on „modeling the future“.

The construction of the rover prototype is analogical ongoing with Lego Mindstorms. See how it works and help us assembling the c-rove.

Digitally there is the `Rigs of Rod´ open source simulation of c-rove´s path on the moon´s surface. A simulation which helps us testing the proof of concept.

And another simulation is on the way: The CONSIDEO-MODELER simulates a cause-and-effect chain to explore the success of a project. The Modeler-Forum Berlin-Brandenburg will show us how to work with this KowledgeManagementTool.

6 Responses to “Ausbildung”

  1. Benjamin Says:
    Oktober 12th, 2009 at %H:%M

    Great idea! This is something the team can basically do to reach out to the people:
    Put together some info on different levels on the missions to moon:
    For children and teenagers in school to get an idea.
    For interested grown-ups.
    For interested physicians and the like something rather focused on how you plan to approach things.
    For business people a paper with ideas to how to make money (moon-tourism, minig).
    To scientists of other branches useful possibilities…
    Okay, this is a break, but anyway: Did you ever think about letting medics research on space influence on human bodies? This will only be possible after having sent a greater number of people up there, but who hinders me from thinkin further?
    I guess you could even have this going after the LunaX Project. You just need to raise interest among enough people, promise your sponsors to include their names in an email from the moon (the 1st email, or the 1st private, as the first would be for the project).
    That way you could maybe encourage them.
    Many people have some 5 bugs they could invest in your project rather than into a video game or what not. You just have to raise their interest. You can do this by education. What about Volkshochschulkurse in Moonlanding and how it works.
    Okay, I think you got the idea…

  2. gps2 Says:
    Oktober 14th, 2009 at %H:%M

    Yes, we´ve got it.

    Maybe this is the sector you can support us. Developing education concepts for all groups you cited above. We want generate a sustainable interest for space, even beyond GLXP competition.

    We are looking forward to cooperate with you…

  3. Benjamin Says:
    Oktober 14th, 2009 at %H:%M

    Problem is as of now, that I am in the middle of an interesting but chalenging semester of theology and without any clue of physiks beyond U=R*I… I had a realy bad teacher at school…
    I can imagine getting into some basics an do some explaination for children or so, but later time. They teach us a bit of paedagogics here, so I maybe coud even get something done.
    Another Group I ran across is this:
    They aso seek to raise general interest in spaceflight and space in general. Here:
    is the link to a discussion on their board where they discuss about how to make the government do more for space research. Maybe they have the necessary people to do the higher targeted Materials.
    Careful, it’s a German site, but as you guys are from Berlin… I think there is no big difference between Berlinerisch and proper German ;)

  4. gps2 Says:
    Oktober 15th, 2009 at %H:%M

    Hey Bejamin, there is no need to be a technician to participate. I´m a enthusiast with a little clue of orbits and rockets. We just need enthusiasm to convince the rest…and just some paedagogic skills. Remind the diversity!

    Thanks a lot for the link. I just took a short view, but will follow soon. And yes…everything is understandable for us Berlin guys ;-)

  5. aaron Says:
    Januar 29th, 2010 at %H:%M

    super! I just read the „moonshot-for-dummies“. Wonderful written, very easy to understand/follow, just well done.
    I study „Versorgungstechnik/Energietechnik as a specialization of Maschinenbau“ in Dresden (6th semester). If I can contribute any Good, let me know … ( I deal with calculations of Heating- and Coolingsystems and pipes of every kind of liquids/gases, etc … but I´m still learing.)


  6. gps2 Says:
    Februar 1st, 2010 at %H:%M

    Thanks for your positive response. I´ve forwarded it to the author….

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